Sunday 26 May 2013

Room 10 Maths Whizz!

Room 10 have been busy practising their basic facts to help them solve problems like a whizz

We are learning our basic facts to 20

Here are some great links to useful games and activities that will help your child to practise: (click on one of the 3 links below)

Any practise helps
Please keep up the fantastic work you are doing at home and encourage and help your child to learn their basic facts.

Monday 13 May 2013

Room 10 and Room 3's Awesome Antarctic Adventure!

This morning Room 3 and Room 10 got to go to The Antarctic Centre.

We drove there by bus and it was a long drive all the way out by the Airport!

First we went into a special classroom and learnt about Antarctica. We got to use the interactive whiteboard!

"We got to see the size of an Emperor Penguin and it's egg" Caleb.

"I got to dress an explorer in all of their layers of clothes - there's SO many!" Dayton.

"We all loved how the classroom was set up with cool blue lights and pictures of penguins" Room 10.

Next we were so excited and a bit nervous - we were off on the Hagglund Ride!!!

"I felt excited going on the bumpy ride" Braydon.

"I felt nervous going over the big bumps" Nico.

"It was noisy, I was in the middle and I saw the huge mud puddle, but we were OK because the vehicle can float in the water" Matai.

After that we had our morning tea and then it was time to see the penguins. The penguins that are there have been rescued from places around New Zealand where they were injured by humans and other animals. They can no longer live in the wild - so they have a special home at the Antarctic Centre. Each penguin eats 10-15 Sprats (small fish) per day.

Can you spot the two penguins?

"The penguins were very cute and good at swimming" Hailey.

"The penguins were smaller than I thought they would be" Telesha.

"We learnt about how to tell a girl and a boy penguin. It is really tricky to find out so they send one of the penguins feathers away for DNA testing" Suma.

Then we went to have a look around at the different displays and learning areas.

 "My favourite thing was the sun dial" Telesha.

"I liked watching the movie and pretending I was at Antarctica, I also loved dressing up in the snow gear" Brayden.

"I like sitting on the snow sledge and pretending to drive it!" Connor.

Lastly we went to the Snow Room. We experienced temperatures of -18degress - it was freezing. But that is the temperature in the summer in Antarctica - so it would be extremely icy in winter.


"I felt like I was going to freeze" Tayla.

"My hands were turning blue in the snow storm, I was freezing" Krystal.

"My fingers and toes were numb, but I had fun on the ice slide!" Caleb

"I loved being in the dark, cold storm" Connor.

"The storm blew snow into my eyes" Nico

Room 10 loved their trip to the Antarctic Centre! We had so much fun and learnt lots about a very cold place. After all the excitement and fun we are now back at school safely!