Sunday 23 June 2013

Welcome back from a very chilly weekend!

I hope you all kept safe and warm this weekend. It is lovely to see the sun out today and so many happy faces at school. I am just posting an important reminder to parents and caregivers, regarding attendance.

PLEASE make sure your child is at school every day, unless they are really unwell, or if there is a genuine family emergency.

If this is the case you must ring us on 379 3137 or text 027 3793137. 
I really appreciate your supprort with this as it is so important the children aren't missing out on valuable learning time at school.

Please come and see me if you have any questions, concerns or need support with this.

Many thanks,

Emma Dolamore.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Free Educational Websites with Fantastic Games

It has been great to see lots of children and whanau from Room 10 using our blog to keep up to date and follow some of the exciting learning happening.

Many of the children in Room 10 have been having a go at some basic fact games online. I thought I would post some more fantastic free online learning sites.

I hope you have fun exploring these at home...(Click on the words below to go to the page you want).

ABCYA - has lots of fun games to practise skills in many areas of learning

Learn more about animals that live in cold places at National Geographic Kids

We have been learning about playing games positively - Follow along with The Rainbow Fish story - how did he solve the problem positively?

Read Penguin Penguin and other stories at

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Being Ready to Learn in Room 10!

I have asked the children to photograph different parts of our morning, the classroom and learning in Room 10.

The children have chosen what they wanted to take a photo of and have then written a blurb about their photo or learning in our morning block (literacy).
"I love playing on the adventure playground too"

I hope you enjoy reading and seeing their photos as much as I have.

"I like the playground because I have fun playing on the fort".


"I loved it when we got to share our boxes about us".
"When I got to school I was nervous as well as happy".
"I shared a picture of my brothers truck drawing".
"I like trucks"  Geordan.

"I took a picture of our teacher Miss Dolamore because she is kind and helps us with our learning"
Telesha and Suma.

"When we were eating fruit I took a picture of the children.
They all smiled at the camera". "Then I gave Miss Dolamore
the camera and she said "thank you". "I love the way she said
thank you to me" Mary Angel.

"I love to read books because the Authors have great writing
and pictures from all around the world." "That's why I love to read".

"Reading time is cool because we read lots and learn new things"

"Reading time is awesome. The kids have their heads down
and are reading, it's awesome". Brayden

"I like doing creative writing and writing about  Iron Man and zombies"

"I LOVE seeing the wonderful children in Room 10 Ready to Learn
and putting their best effort into their work"
Miss Dolamore.

Monday 3 June 2013

Room 10 Rocks!

Hi Room 10 - a quick message from Miss Dolamore...

I have loved reading your comments on our blog this weekend.
So thank you to everyone for your lovely comments.

I hope Room 10 has had a fantastic day, I have been at home, sick with the flu.
I will see you again very soon this week, when I am feeling a bit better.

Keep up the excellent learning.

Miss Dolamore.